Highlights for the month of November, Vancouver BC Weim Walk had a Buntzen Lake hike Novmber 8 with a good turn out of weims + their owners`Rosewin Weim pups of PINK x Icon litter are a year old born Remembrance Day November 11, 2014 with their mother, PINK turning 5 yrs. of age November 9 .
*** click on pictures for a better viewing ***
TALO lives Prince George
STORM living on Vancouver Island
HUDSON , living in the Lower Mainland....
COUCH POTATOES after exercise
All weims getting in on the action
Enjoying Costco pet bed delux ...
Even the couch will do ....
All couch space taken
Some fun with shadows
A new weim look ....
Grandma Rose
Getting cozy with fur
Fall leaves
Being the 'Gray Ghost '
PINK reprimanding her daughter, Pixie.
PIXIE talking back to PINK
PIXIE on a point , transfixed on something ???
Lily + Pixie
First there were 4
And finally there was 6
CERVELO + PIXIE checking out smells in the fall garden, might be a few fallen tomatoes off the tomato plants
CERVELO on a point, bird in bush ? or a still squirrel pretending not to be there.....
Still holding point
and holding, oblivious to other weims around him...
WEIM PAW IMPRINT on the West Coast , BC
This incredible mosaic, by artist Vojna Bastovanovic