Wednesday, December 25, 2024

ROSEWIN 'S CHRISTMAS WEIMS for YEAR 2024 , PIXIE + son, BOSS including myself wish everyone a HAPPY MERRY CHRISTIMAS following with a HAPPY , HEALTHY , PROSPERSOUS NEW YEAR 2025 !!!



                                                                                   BOSS                             PIXIE


Adding this year, a SANTA  WEIM  BIKER 



Pixie working hard to find the balance to keep the Santa Hat on + not move. 

BOSS  just does not move at all. Rock solid  .

                                                      BOSS had no problem keeping SANTA  HAT on. 
PIXIE has won the battle over hat on or off . Good girl, Pixie. 


BOSS rock solid keeping his Santa Hat on.

                                                                  Pixie prefers carrying the SANTA  HAT 

Moving into the family room .......

A  ' no hat pose ' but still expecting to get a treat for ' sit stay ' . They did  ........

Here come the HATS 

Pixie getting a little closer to BOSS , maybe trying to rub the hat off  ? 

Trying a smaller SANTA HAT. there was no way Pixie would have anything to do with it treat or no treat. BOSS just did not move a muscle . 

The wearing of  the reindeer head band was the most popular or most tolerated of all the hat paraphernalia . Pixie was definitely into the reindeer look.

I was not responsible for this pose of  BOSS + PIXIE .  Found them  independently perched on the couch . However I  did put the reindeer gear on their heads with a tasty treat bribe. 
So everyone happy, I got my picture and the weims got a treat. 

Photo session ended with  malfunction of equipment .
LOL !!! Am sure the weims were relieved. 

BOSS + Pixie were rewarded with a special  Christmas treat .