Monday, December 29, 2008
Cross country skiing with Cervelo and Lily
Stuart and myself took both Cervelo and Lily up into the forest trails just 10 minutes away from home to do some cross country skiing. This was the first time either Cervelo/Lily had been cross country skiing with us. In Vancouver, to receive this amount of snow all at once is phenomenal and a real snow experience for both myself, Stuart, and Weimanraners. As always, weimaraners take to a new sport with exuberance and enthusiam!! Stuart was taking the video at the time with myself trying to ski with two very exicited weimaraners.
Cross country skiing with Cervelo/Lily
Snow and more snow the perfect winter scene.
Lily and Cervelo joining in for some winter exercise of running and playing in the snow.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Grayce is pregnant with 6 - 7 puppies ? another one or two
WINSTON, father to be....
Grayce is presently pregnant with 6 - 7 puppies maybe even 8 puppies in total. Waiting for January 22, 2009 with anticipation of a beautiful litter of puppies. More pictures to come of Grayce in the following weeks.
GRAYCE, mother to be....
Cervelo's journey through the snow....
Stuart took Cervelo up into a forest trail for some exercise. Stuart was trying out his cross country skis as there was enough snow to make hiking a challenge. Cervelo experienced his real first day out in snow, deep snow sometimes up to his chest. There was no hesitation on Cervelo's participation in any way and he took to the snow like a fish to water!
With ear flapping Cervelo finds something to dig for in the snow bank.
Where did Stuart go?
All alone in the vast snow field.
Take off with ear flaps up. To move through the snow, Cervelo has to really push forward with his chest moving almost like in a serpentine or undulating motion.Homeward bound..........
May have to click on picture to see Cervelo's facial expression**
A site to behold in city of Vancouver. SNOW......
Cervelo wondering just what is behind the pile of while stuff.
Our front door entrance.
A little Cervelo image is seen behind the snow pile. You may have to click on picture to see Cervelo.
Side of our house with the wall showing height of snow which has been accumulating the past few days.
Pictures taken at night of the surrounding trees/shrubs.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Trek through deep snow..............................
Snow plowing through the deep snow.Something under the snow has caught Rose's attention.
This is my stick!
Winston onto a scent.
Scent or Sound ? Only Winston knows.
Weims snow play in the forest.....
Three weims can be seen here, Winston, Lily and Rose were having fun in the snow, the biggest snowfall Vancouver has seen since 1971! Cervelo was with Stuart experiencing the cross country skiing up higher on forest trails.