Monday, March 31, 2008
Discovery of the big dogs' water bowl..........
Purple girl puppy and Green boy puppy.
Drinking water from the big dogs' water bowl. No more puppy water bowls for these two.!!
Labels: rose's puppies
Nap time anywhere, any place.............
Green boy puppy all played out.
Puppy huddle down from 4 puppies to only 2 puppies as Purple girl puppy joins Green boy puppy for a snuggle.Finally Purple girl puppy lays her head down close to Green boy puppy.
Labels: rose's puppies
Blue boy puppy has a new home.
Introducing Dexter with his new owners, Liz and Travis. Dexter will now be living in Whiterock and looks like he is quite at home.
Labels: rose's puppies
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Boy puppy play........
The two boy puppies playing a rough game of tag and tumble. Each boy taking turns being on the top and the bottom of the other. Blue boy puppy and Green boy puppy are the players in this game.
Labels: rose's puppies
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Toy offering ......
Lily decides to offer one of her prize toy possession. Of course the toy is offered above ground and the puppy stretch doesn't come close to touching the toy.
Tomatoe box puppy bed......
Purple girl puppy has chosen a tomato box to sleep in for the night.
Pink elephant has joined Purple girl puppy as a pillow support.
Green boy puppy checking on the pink elephant while Purple girl checks out Green boy.
Labels: rose's puppies
Using the stool as a toy to play with......
Green boy puppy and Purple girl puppy playing with each other using the upside down stool as a plaything. Pink girl puppy joining the game for a brief moment.
Labels: rose's puppies
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Taking a look on tippy toes and a big puppy stretch
Blue boy puppy checking out what is on top of crate. Standing on tippy toes and stretching all that a puppy can
Labels: rose's puppies
Big pillow bed for 4 weim puppies
Purple girl puppy maintaining the pillow edge with some difficulty.
Purple girl puppy falls off pillow but remains with the pack, determined to stay with the puppy huddle.
Purple girl puppy and blue boy puppy have left their spot on the pillow leaving room for pink girl puppy and green boy puppy to spread out.
Labels: rose's puppies