Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Weim Halloween dress up ..........................
Winston, Lily and Cervelo getting together for a cooking session .
Winston's apron saying " Seize this Moment ". Lily's apron says " We really should do this more often ". Cervelo's apron stating ' the House of Lee makes the perfect ... Yum Yummm!
Not sure what this portrays, started out as three ghosts in a row then decided to add a little pzazz to three weim heads. Can you guess who is under the hats. One weim had a little difficulty keeping his hat on no matter what while another weim was trying to escape. Only one weim remained still through the photo session...
This weim didn't move a muscle even when the black hat was put on top. As long as the nose was out there was no problem sitting for awhile knowing a treat may be coming soon!!
Without the black hat.................
Cervelo, the youngest of the weims did not like anything on his head which included the black hat beside him. So the costume was that of a skeleton, a T-shirt showing all the bones seen at the front of the body as seen in this picture.
This view shows the posterior spine and rib cage from the side. A true skeleton except for the head which was out of bounds for decorating in any fashion. Not even a special treat could sway this weim to wear anything on his head.
Girls' Halloween dress-up with black/red boas and sequin masks
Can you tell which of the weimaraners is Rose or Lily.............
Making a fashion statement.....
Rose presenting in the black/red feather boa wrapped around her shoulders...Striking an elegant pose, Lily models in all black with a feathery boa and mask.
Red feather boa Rose.......
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Cervelo challenging Winston to a couch wrestle....
Winston sleeping on couch. Cervelo decides to wake Winston up for a play.
Winston protests but Cervelo continues his assault from the floor position. Winston continues to hold his couch position.
Couch wrestling continues
Cervelo finally acclaims a position on the couch while Winston maintains his lying down position.
Cervelo's tactics change as he positions himself on the arm of the couch.
Cervelo tries a little nibble on Winston's cheek.
Winston responds like ' JAWS '
Followed by an ear nibble.......
And another ' Jaw ' movement tactic....
Now to make my move...... as Winston appears to be distracted. Ready, steady......
Winston is too quick as moves quickly to grab those tender Cervelo ears.
Cervelo tries sliding down into Winston as both dogs keep their ears and paws away from each other.
The couch wrestle has ended with Winston still on the couch and Cervelo, sort of winning as he holds a stance between the two couches.
Monday, October 20, 2008
The BOYS' couch time....
Winston, Stuart and Cervelo sharing the couch.
Stuart after a hard road bike ride is greeted by Cervelo who isn't shy about showing affection.....
Winston to the far right of couch is quite content just to lie without moving a paw. Cervelo continues his greetings.
Cervelo certainly likes the smell of Stuart especially his hair.....
Weim wrestling on the couch..................
Winston to the right with a good solid position on the couch with Cervelo hanging over the edge keeping his legs hooked around Winston's head.
Cervelo's wrap around the weim technique without falling off the couch. Still hanging on the edge.....Change of tactic ..... Cervelo goes over the top of Winston's head gaining more of the couch instead of hanging on the edge.
Post wrestle..................
Winston keepingt his couch position with Cervelo settling for the other end. The best of buddies......
Who would have thought these two were in contention for the couch!!
Cervelo taking liberties with the dog beds...........
Cervelo believes in sprawling out with one pet bed to use as a pillow for his head with the other dog bed for the remainder of his body.
Then along comes Winston who wants to sleep on the dog bed which Cervelo was using as a pillow for his head. Cervelo's strategy to regain possession of the dog bed is to give Winston a big sloppy doggy kiss.
The chosen toy..........
Whats left of the stuffed toy octopus' leg is what both Cervelo and Lily are competing for. Whatever it takes to get possession......Neither weim wants to give in.