Rose is the first to see the squirrel up in the cedar branches.
Rose follows the squirrels movements never taking her eyes off her prey.
Oh if I could just climb this tree.....
Lily joins Rose in the squirrel watch......Cervelo just waits.
The two girls, Rose in front with Lily covering the rear continue their vigilant watch.
Cervelo enters the scene and also watches intently...
All four weims join in on the squirrel watch....
Rose being the leader attempts again to reach that squirrel who is enjoying all the attention in the safety of the cedar branches.
After a long day of squirrel watching, Cervelo can be found on the floor with his favorite pillow.
Watching me making dinner.
Look no feet ! Balancing on front paws and rear end.....
But not for long, just enough time for a picture : )
Ahh.. more comfortable this way!