August - September updates on Weimaraners' PUPPIES, Dog shows, Activities and .....
***NOTE: click on pictures for enlargement , better viewing : ) ***
Weims make great companions
Weims love snow

Weims love to model or show their teeth
Weim love other weims enjoying a good run
Weims love to explore the outdoors
Weims love to hike
Weims like to have a nap after a good hike or run or swim

Weims love to be part of a family
Weims love to boat
Weims love to track, squirrels, birds etc.
Weims love to swim
Yes, weims even like cats
or children
Weims love to be loved


PUPPY LITTERS on the ground and UPCOMING LITTERS in Canada + Australia
***click on photos for enlarged view ***


CERVELO (Rose x Clay) son, DOM in Australia bred to BIS/BISS/RUBISS/MRUBIS SUP CH Ghostwind U Have My Numba ET
Ghostwind Weimaraners are very pleased to announce that BIS/BISS/RUBISS/MRUBIS SUP CH Ghostwind U Have My Numba ET has today been confirmed in whelp to Multi Class In Show winning Lukedom Surpryze Party (AI). Enquiries to Sue Shrigley

Ch Lukdeom Surpryze Party ( AI ), DOM
Winning BEST AUST BRED IN SHOW at 2015 Royal Launceston Show
with handler, Jess Cullen
CERVELO now an Australian Grandpa to 7 girls + 4 boys
Ghostwind Weimaraner are thrilled to announce that our stunning BIS/BISS/RUBISS/MRUBIS Sup Ch Ghostwind U Have My Numba , Charli has whelped a manageable litter of 11 to our up and coming youngster DOM , MRUBIG Ch Lukedom Surpryze Party (AI). 7 bitches and 4 dogs makes it a truly unique split at Ghostwind.Oct.13/2015
SCORCH's (Rose X Clay) daughter, MAPLE in Australia is having another litter due in October 2015.
Maple, CH Ghostwind You Are A Star was bred to Aston, Cruisenif Rev It Up.

hunting baby lizard in grass
head shot of the sire - Ch CRUISENIF Rev It Up - ASTON
Xray showing ? pups on board ! taken Sept.29
61 days
Regina De Silva She's, eating, drinking, digging n now sleeping under the aircon . ️Puppies kicking inside n poor maple has to stretch n Stretch till they are in place then a kick ... Seriously the little ones
Puppy girl is first to arrive
MAPLE with her 9 puppies, 5 girls + 4 boys born Oct.6,2015
Happy to report Mom + pups all strong /healthy confirmed by home visit vet post whelping
CERVELO (Rose x Clay) daughter, Hannah bred to True with puppies due in Oct.2015
' HANNAH' Can/Am/GCH GodsAngels Warrior Princess
' TRUE ' Am/Can/GCH/GCHEX /MBIS/MBISS/Koping WinWeim Say Its True
9 days to go till puppies!!!! My girl is such a sausage.
Xray taken Sept.27 2015
CERVELO daughter, Hannah bred to True has puppies Oct.4, 2015
ANNOUNCING arrival of 8 puppies , 5 girls + 3 boys
CERVELO / DELTA pups in Tasmania, Australia
Ghostwind is very happy to announce the safe arrival of Delta (BISS/RUBISS Ch Ghostwind Smokin Delight ( AI ) and Cervelo (MBIS ITL/CAN GR CH Rosewin Ansons Cervelo) 10 puppies,7 boys + 3 girls on Aug.21, 2015 Thanks to the staff at Northwest AnimalHospital and Hobart Animal Hospital for your assistance with the litter.
Pick male is available to a show home, anyone who is interested please contact Sue Shrigley.
This is a beautifully line bred litter to Mac and his sister Rose and incorporating BuzyFeet American Idol through Cervelo and Delta being the granddaughter of Ch Ghostwind Vivien Leigh who herself is a granddaughter CH Colsidex Grauhund Just Jeans.
This is a beautifully line bred litter to Mac and his sister Rose and incorporating BuzyFeet American Idol through Cervelo and Delta being the granddaughter of Ch Ghostwind Vivien Leigh who herself is a granddaughter CH Colsidex Grauhund Just Jeans.
The lovely Delta aka Ghostwind Smokin Delight celebrated her 1st Birthday on September 13, Sunday. This little 'delight' has achieved so much in the last 12 months. Multi Class In Show winner, Multi Class In Group Winner and is over half way to her Champion title with several BOB awards from the Puppy Classes against full adult competition. We look forward to what the next 12 months will bring —
CERVELO x DELTA pup at 5 weeks old
Miss Loui
Ghostwind Louise Vuitton
First stacked shot of Miss Loui aka Ghostwind Louise Vuitton. Shots of litter brothers and sisters to follow.
An absolute trooper for her first stack.
An absolute trooper for her first stack.
Rosewin Weimaraners In Show
AM/CAN Grand Champion Rosewin's Legacy How She Moves
** #1 Female Weimaraner in Canada with limited showing in 2014 **
although no official title, PINK has participated in Agility classes over the years proven to be a 'rocket' weim in agility courses !
PINK ( Rose X Clay) daughter
PINK (Rose x Clay) daughter, PIXIE
PIXIE , Rosewins Iconic Rnway V Target, daughter of PINK is making her show debut with her first show in the US winning a major at Willamette Specialty Show and then winning over Specials at Kamloops All Breed Show a Best of Breed and a Group Four.
Willamette Specialty Show in US
Kamloops All Breed Show in Osoyoos
PINK daughter +sister to Pixie, VISION
PINK (Rose x Clay) son , TALO is presently #2 in Top Ten Weimaraners in Canada.
#2 Weimaraner CHAMP; #2 Sporting Dog Puppy
#2 Weimaraner CHAMP; #2 Sporting Dog Puppy
Do you have a Weimaraner ?
weims + flowers
weims + babies
weims + horses
Some Weimaraner Humor
Where is my dinner ? !!!