2015 CHRISTMAS WEIMS RoseWin Weimaraners wishing all + everyone a Very Merry Happy Xmas and Happy Holidays !!! : )
PINK + her pups, Pixie + Hudson......
Hudson relishing the treat he had for sitting with the Santa Hat on his head....
PINK's Santa hat fell off during the photo session so I continued as the two pups were keeping theirs on.
Hudson, making a statement. How much longer ?
The reindeer antlers not well received by Pixie, while Hudson protested by not sitting when asked to. PINK could care less just waiting for the treats to come !
PINK's other pup Storm was also in the festive mood
I think Hudson is giving me ' the nose ' with all this picture taking .
PINK's other puppy, Storm also wore her festive dress
except for PINK
Lily with son Hugo
Cervelo with sister, PINK ...
LILY with her son, HUGO
Group photo Santa Weims
Looking back in the past Xmas'