From our house to your house Wishing one + all a Very Merry Christmas + Happy Holidays for 2019
from left to right , BOSS, Cervelo, PINK with Pixie at the front
left to right, Cervelo, PINK, Pixie + BOSS
Our Christmas Bear Mascot
from left to right , Pixie, Boss, Cervelo + PINK in front
Sorry , I lost my hat. Pixie looking so sorry LOL !
Where is the 4th weim, PINK ?
BOSS' turn without the hat.
These Santa hats weigh a ' ton ' hard to keep the weim head up .
changing of the weims, from left to right PINK, Boss, Cervelo , Pixie in front of C-dog.

from left to right, Pixie(4 yr) PINK (7 yr) BOSS (1 yr 9mo) Cervelo (10 yr)
from left to right, Pixie, BOSS, PINK, Cervelo
left to right, BOSS, Pixie , PINK, Cervelo + Lily in front on pet bed.
switch places again, can you figure out who is who ?
LILY as a 12 yr. old weim should be
from left to right, Pixie, BOSS, PINK, Cervelo
left to right, BOSS, Pixie , PINK, Cervelo + Lily in front on pet bed.
switch places again, can you figure out who is who ?
LILY as a 12 yr. old weim should be
We are not the only weims dressed for Christmas as you can see in the following pictures
Christmas past, 2016
Best photo of all weims I think. Hard to pick out the best Pictures or the weims as never can get all of them looking their best . LOL ! : )
Cervelo always looking great in all pics, never moved an inch This is the best photo of the two older girls, Rose 12yr. , Lily 10yr. still getting into the Spirit of Christmas.
Cervelo always looking great in all pics, never moved an inch This is the best photo of the two older girls, Rose 12yr. , Lily 10yr. still getting into the Spirit of Christmas.
Best photo of all weims I think. Hard to pick out the best Pictures or the weims as never can get all of them looking their best . LOL ! : )
Cervelo always looking great in all pics, never moved an inch This is the best photo of the two older girls, Rose 12yr. , Lily 10yr. still getting into the Spirit of Christmas.
Cervelo always looking great in all pics, never moved an inch This is the best photo of the two older girls, Rose 12yr. , Lily 10yr. still getting into the Spirit of Christmas.
Yes there are 7 weimaraners ALL wearing Santa hats except for one big boy wearing antlers !

From Christmas past, Cervelo +Rose in front, Lily + Winston sitting on chair
Rose x Clay son, Cassiar
Cervelo PINK - Pixie Hugo
Cervelo PINK Pixie
Cervelo PINK Pixie Hugo
Rose Lily

LILY 11 years old ROSE 13 years old
PINK expressing her thoughts of posing for pictures CERVELO being stoic as always.
Lily, Boss, Cervelo and PINK choosing to stand
Lily, Boss, PINK feeling shy with Santa hat over face and Cervelo
Another shot at a line up of Santa Weims
left to right
Boss, PINK , Cervelo
My favorite of the three
left to right
Cervelo son, Hugo wearing Santa Hat with buddy Brit looking elegant with her red boa
Cervelo's daughter, Vedder

with a sign that says it ALL !!!
DOGS are like potato chips you can't have just ONE