Saturday, September 11, 2010

September....the Stellar Jays return for their peanuts

Around this time of year I can expect the arrival of the Stellar Jays, a flock of noisy persistent birds demanding their peanuts. The weims show bucket works well as a container for the peanuts which both Stellar Jays and squirrels compete for the choice peanuts.

A brave squirrel is trying to get to the peanut bucket but has been discovered by Rose and Lily who also are determined to hunt. The gray squirrel is on the pillar, top right hand side. Click on picture to see better.

WINSTON on the trail

LILY hears or scents something in the bush...

Weims' two buddies, brother/sister Bengals who occasionally visit from the basement to upstairs.

MAX our one and only Chesapeake still hanging in despite his numerous health issues.

WEIMS on a squirrel hunt...

CERVELO has discovered a new toy....

CERVELO 's quiet time.....