Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 11 (Nov.19, 2010) Eyes are beginning to open. ..just slits now and 3 out of 6 are up on their legs

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Rose can finally roll onto her back which she loved to do before becoming a Mom. This way she can get her belly rubbed !!

The smallest of the puppies, little pink girl with a voracious appetite is weighing in. She was so good being still for once I took advantage taking some cute pictures.

Blue boy pup taking his first steps today

Red boy pup now travelling further in the upright position.

Meal time is chaotic as usual. First there is quiet sucking then there is a mass movement of puppies as they exchange nipple sites. One pup makes a dash for a nipple causing a ripple effect of all the other pups joining the movement rallying for a nipple. Then all is quiet again. Sometimes I feel like the nipple referee making sure everyone ends up with a nipple,either on the top, bottom or side of Rose.