Looking forward to longer, warmer days ... SPRING FORWARD this SUNDAY ....

Chilling out by the fireplace with their favorite stuffies ....
PINK loving the heat of the fireplace, always as close as she can be
A fireplace affair with stuffies for 3 ....
Watching the weims' expressions as they work on their stuffies....
Ecstasy .... oh how I love this hedgehog
A mellow weim in another world
PINK loves to watch the fire
whereas Hugo enjoys his bone while keeping warm by the fire
Cervelo is on a mission ....
When a weim thinks there is something somewhere it becomes a mission to find it whatever or however it takes.
Cervelo is looking for something .... I have no idea what it is but neither do I have the sense of smell weims have.
Cervelo is convinced there is something under the couch...
The search for whatever continues at the other end of the couch
Cervelo finally emerges from under the pet bed . Mission failed to find the something.
Two weims trying to enjoy quiet time by the fire but one weim in the middle insists on playing ...the puppy of course
Despite all the play antics neither of the girls wanted to partake in any play . The girls just wanted to enjoy the fire.
Cervelo and his duck relaxing together
Each weim has his or her comfort pose
Stretching and sprawling weim
Hanging over the edge weim ....
Curled on the couch weim complete with head rest .....
Hanging, sprawled or curled , each weim to his/her comfort ....
Cervelo's two favorites, a bone and a stuffed duck
Two for one enjoyment .....
Looking for ME ...
I'm not coming out til you offer a treat or something