Monday, February 8, 2010


Rose decided to make herself a bed choosing a small space between my desk and the whelping box. She spent several minutes arranging and re-arranging the blankets until satisfied the bed was made.

Rose's has completed her project of making a Rose bed, just for her.

Today marks one week of the pup's birth. Each pup has his own distinct marking making it easy to identify during weighing.
We call this pup little white, distinguishing factor being the small white diamond on his chest much like the one on Rose's chest.

Today weighing in at 1063 grams.

This is the boy pup which no white markings weighing in at 985 grams.

This is the biggest boy with the white vest weighing in1066 grams.

The boys tanking up for another meal.

Day 6

Boys hanging out in the warming box while the whelping box is re-arranged. Good thing there are only three more might be a little tight.

Pups are weighted daily in this food tray on a scale. Weighing was challenging demanding a lot of patience to let the pup move around til tired eventually laying down for a weight to be recorded.

Pups were weighted in this tray measuring 29 cm X 21 cm which can give you an idea what this pup may be in size.

The biggest boy to the left testing out his legs.

Mouth action seen in pup to the right from the curly tongue to an outright big puppy yawn.