Tuesday, February 16, 2010

PUPPIES are taking their first steps on Day 15.....

Puppy napping after some cruising around the whelping box.

Puppies are starting to interact with each other

This little guy has found his legs...a little wobbly

All pups lined up in a row showing how fast they grow day by day filling the warming box.

I want out now.....

Puppy paws .....

Puppy testing his legs and finding a way out of the warming box?

Mom Rose enjoying some time out from puppies to roll onto her back without any puppy attachments. The puppies are sleeping giving Mom some time to herself.

As stated earlier, the three boys, the muskateers stick together especially in sharing nipples during meal time. All three always congregate at the same spot the same time during meal time

Looking out beyond the whelping box....

While one pup is enjoying his meal his brother is chewing on his ear.

The next pictures show how one pup is bound and determined to find a way out of the warming box even if it means standing on top of one of his brothers to accomplish this.

Standing in between this two brothers..

How about climbing on top of this guy who does't seem to care and get more height.

This is work, must have a rest. Pup bum sits on his brother for a rest.

Time to try again and work those legs.

This is as far as this pup goes. But certainly is demonstrating strength in his legs as well as will power.!